3 Holiday Gift Card Recipes for Success!

3 Holiday Gift Card Recipes for Success!

With the holiday season approaching, gift cards are among the most requested items. Here are a few tips for selling them and the benefits of a simple gift card program.


  • Impulse Buyers – Stock up and make sure you have them within eye-sight at your register. Your impulse buyer will purchase for a family member, colleague, teacher, or friend.
  • Up-selling – Educate yourself and your staff. Consumers like to be enticed. Offer them the pleasure and advantage.  If you are not up-selling your customers, you miss out on a LOT of revenue.  It works ask: “I am so happy you and yours enjoyed yourselves this evening.  Why not add a gift card for a loved one?  Sounds great, right!”  As you and your staff master this fantastic tool, you can move on to cross-selling.  Suggest other relevant options to your customer: “Did you know the $25.00 gift cards are on sale this week? Buy three and get the fourth for half price.”  Or, “Don’t forget to pick up a few cards for your family and friends; they are handy for last-minute needs.  Want me to add another card to your order?”
  • Lifesaver (Be the “Go-to Merchant”)—We have all done it as consumers. It’s down to the last minute, and we need a gift. If a customer comes in for gift cards and you don’t have them, you lose a sale. Displaying gift cards lets your customers know they can rely on you in a pinch. Be the Hero and “Go-to” merchant. Try it!


  • Increased Sales—The primary benefit is that your sales numbers will boom! You will generate revenue in advance of sales, and studies show customers spend more than the amount on the card.
  • Marketing – Get the word out about your establishment.  Gift cards are like mini billboards.  Your branding speaks volumes.
  • Breakage refers to the amount left on a gift card that is never redeemed. For example, a person with a $100 gift card may purchase $97 and inadvertently toss the card in a drawer or throw it away. This helps your margins.
  • Repeat BusinessIf someone has never heard about your business but receives a $20 gift card for their birthday, Christmas, or even a holiday party, they will find you and maybe become a customer for life!
  • AdvertisingYour gift cards encourage customers to join loyalty programs, and you will now have the data you need, provided you are using a POS system to capture that data. You can send specials or “ping” them when they drive by your business.

CardSystems Merchant Services

Generate More Revenue and Traffic with an ATM

Generate More Revenue and Traffic with an ATM

ATMs still Represent Easy Money for your Business, Restaurant or Store

With the rise of online shopping, brick-and-mortar businesses today need to do everything they can to stay competitive. Sometimes that means using a traditional, tried-and-true method of boosting traffic and earning some passive income.

We’re talking about the ATM machine.

Your store, restaurant or business just might need one.


Not everyone likes to swipe or dip the chip at a business. Credit and Debit card security concerns are causing some people to stick to the safety of cash. One-third of U.S. consumers (34 percent) say they are making more purchases in store with cash because of data breaches, according to ATM Marketplace.

Avoid card processing fees: Customers who use your ATM and then pay cash in your business save you in credit card processing fees.

Where’s my bank? In a tourist market, in particular, a customer’s regular bank may not be available or may be prohibitively far from his or her local destination. Your customer may want to withdraw money from or check his balance from an ATM before making a card transaction with you or another business.

“Now that I’m here”: Average 7-Eleven ATMs perform about 3,000 transactions per month, according to National Cash, an industry provider. That could be 3,000 times a customer visits your business just to use the ATM, and while there, they notice what else your business offers.

It’s a tax write-off: The ATM is a tangible personal property item which can be expensed. Your tax advisor can tell you about how the cost of an ATM machine can be depreciated or expensed beginning in the tax year that it is placed.

Earn income on surcharges: Talk about passive income! It’s the easiest way to make money on your money.

Operating an ATM is easy and a great way to drive more revenue and foot traffic into your establishment this year!  Call or email us today to learn more.

PCI Basics for Small Merchants

PCI Basics for Small Merchants

In 2015 the PCI SSC created the Small Merchant Taskforce, a cross-industry consortium of payment
security experts, merchant groups and small merchant advocates, to create educational material and
suggested next steps to assess risk within a small business environment. The Taskforce drew from
their collective payment security and small merchant expertise to create PCI Data Security Essential
Resources for Small Merchants, a series of resources to help small merchants focus on essential
payment data security practices needed to protect payment data and reduce risk in their business

As part of that series, PCI SSC created PCI Firewall Basics, a one-page infographic providing
guidance on firewall configuration basics.

firewall basics

Loyalty Programs Drive Business

Loyalty Programs Drive Business

Customer loyalty programs are smart, innovative ways to increase revenue and create repeat business. These easy to implement programs not only create loyal, happy customers they give you a method to reach out to those customers with specials and new products.  Also, 69% of consumers say they make their shopping decisions based on their loyalty programs or lack thereof. Studies also reveal that although finding new customers is crucial for a thriving company, it is far less expensive and better to maintain your current customers.

Loyal customers advertise for you

Loyalty programs are not a new concept, however, they can be very versatile. They can be in the form of an app, an email, or a simple letter in the mail. Having an app on their phone offers your customers a convenient shopping experience, and increases company awareness for potential customers.  Appreciating your customers will draw them to your company, as well as maintain their interest. On average, a loyal customer can be worth up to ten times as much as their first purchase with your company. Personalized loyalty programs are very appealing to customers, such as a customized email with their name.

There are many ways to use loyalty programs.  Most companies use points by tracking purchases. Companies such as Starbucks and Tarte use this method. For every purchase customers make, the business  gives them the value spent in points. Customers save their points and redeem rewards or discounts exclusive to the company’s loyalty program. Some programs even encourage customers to positively review or share their products on social media in return for additional points. Turning their customers into advertisers for the business.

Easy to implement and inexpensive

In addition, loyalty programs are not expensive and can be set up a few different ways; using a POS or terminal to capture customer data and track purchases or a simple app customers can download on their phones. Decide which method you prefer, choose your reward and watch your profits grow.   Most programs will track and reward your customer and the newer loyalty systems may even text or email you to notify you of the reward with beacon technology. Many systems just keep track of benefits and work only when a customer asks to use their card.

The small amount invested will be worth it when your profit increases. On average, companies will spend up to eleven times more on finding new customers than maintaining the ones they already have.  Reaching out to your current customers is simple once you have the data. Also, sharing on social media has never been easier.

As technology continues to advance, so do company reward programs. It’s always a good idea to revisit your existing program and keep up with current trends to maximize company profits and maintain your customer loyalty. Whether in the form of an app, an email, or a letter, customer appreciation stretches far. Loyalty and customer reward programs are extremely efficient in inspiring customer loyalty and maximizing profits. If you do not have a program in place it’s time you looked into one.

Digital Menus in-House and Online

Digital Menus in-House and Online

Easy and Safe Ordering with Digital Menus

Are you wondering how to make your customers feel safe to come into your store or restaurant during the Holidays and throughout the year? Do you want to ensure that they shop at your store or dine at your restaurant? Why not consider implementing a digital menu? It’s easier than you think and can even be tied to your Point of Sale System.

Our new normal finds merchants shifting their focus to online sales, delivery, and curbside pick-up. These merchants allow their customers to shop and view what they have to offer online and especially on their social networks. The new digital menus are an amazing tool to easily display these items.

Retailers now have many online solutions allowing their customers to shop while staying safe at home. Implementing digital menus on their website and social media to market to the masses is helping them keep their doors open.  Many have even pivoted and started to deliver and offer curbside pickup as well.

Give Your Customers a Touch-less Experience

Restaurants are displaying their menus on one of our many online ordering platforms. They are also utilizing digital menus on their social platforms and some have even created a touch-less menu experience.

It can be a seamless process and one that automates a lot of the buying process for you, saving you tons of time and money in manpower while also increasing your sales.

Business as we know it will never be the same again and every business needs to adapt to stay competitive. Amazon is doing more business than ever. As a business owner, learn from them and many of the other large businesses that have moved part, if not all, of their business online.

You can now offer the same shop-from-home service that they offer to stay competitive during these trying times. Our platforms are also good for curbside pickup and delivery.

What Big Box Stores and Restaurants are Doing

Isn’t it time your business followed the same business model that the “Big Guys” follow by using a simple, easy-to-use platform such as our Digital Menu tied to our On-line Ordering model? Check out some great tips for reopening and keeping customers safe in the aftermath.

Lastly, check out how some restaurants are thriving during these changing times by pivoting the way they do business. Check out what Chef Calvo did in her Miami restaurant.

Is Managing Your Images on your POS this Easy?

Is Managing Your Images on your POS this Easy?

Is managing your POS system as easy as posting a picture on social media?  It Should be!

Imagine being able to upload an image of your daily specials or entrées as soon as they come out of your oven.  Uploading a photo to your menu is as simple as posting it to your Facebook page.  Wow your customers and entice them into your restaurant or store today.  The power of an image is incredible!

As a business owner or manager, can you edit and make modifications easily from wherever you are?

Imagine being able to make real-time changes to your menu, manage your staff, and monitor your sales from anywhere in the world. Whether you are at home or on vacation, the newer POS systems allow you to manage all of your operations in one place!

The newer POS systems are now state of the art, replacing the old legacy systems and improving your life as a restaurant or retail owner.

If your current POS system doesn’t have all these easy-to-use features, change and upgrade today!