3 Holiday Gift Card Recipes for Success!

3 Holiday Gift Card Recipes for Success!

With the holiday season approaching, gift cards are among the most requested items. Here are a few tips for selling them and the benefits of a simple gift card program.


  • Impulse Buyers – Stock up and make sure you have them within eye-sight at your register. Your impulse buyer will purchase for a family member, colleague, teacher, or friend.
  • Up-selling – Educate yourself and your staff. Consumers like to be enticed. Offer them the pleasure and advantage.  If you are not up-selling your customers, you miss out on a LOT of revenue.  It works ask: “I am so happy you and yours enjoyed yourselves this evening.  Why not add a gift card for a loved one?  Sounds great, right!”  As you and your staff master this fantastic tool, you can move on to cross-selling.  Suggest other relevant options to your customer: “Did you know the $25.00 gift cards are on sale this week? Buy three and get the fourth for half price.”  Or, “Don’t forget to pick up a few cards for your family and friends; they are handy for last-minute needs.  Want me to add another card to your order?”
  • Lifesaver (Be the “Go-to Merchant”)—We have all done it as consumers. It’s down to the last minute, and we need a gift. If a customer comes in for gift cards and you don’t have them, you lose a sale. Displaying gift cards lets your customers know they can rely on you in a pinch. Be the Hero and “Go-to” merchant. Try it!


  • Increased Sales—The primary benefit is that your sales numbers will boom! You will generate revenue in advance of sales, and studies show customers spend more than the amount on the card.
  • Marketing – Get the word out about your establishment.  Gift cards are like mini billboards.  Your branding speaks volumes.
  • Breakage refers to the amount left on a gift card that is never redeemed. For example, a person with a $100 gift card may purchase $97 and inadvertently toss the card in a drawer or throw it away. This helps your margins.
  • Repeat BusinessIf someone has never heard about your business but receives a $20 gift card for their birthday, Christmas, or even a holiday party, they will find you and maybe become a customer for life!
  • AdvertisingYour gift cards encourage customers to join loyalty programs, and you will now have the data you need, provided you are using a POS system to capture that data. You can send specials or “ping” them when they drive by your business.

CardSystems Merchant Services

Powerful Marketing Ideas For Your Restaurant

Powerful Marketing Ideas For Your Restaurant

Powerful Marketing Ideas For Your Restaurant

This is going to be an eye opener and the “secret sauce,” to give you guidance in the right direction to include: SEO, The importance of your website, how to improve guest counts in your restaurant and more importantly, building your brand.

Take these relevant ideas and the sky’s the limit for your success.

WEBSITE DESIGN – Simple is better

The website is the primary communication for the customer who doesn’t know the first thing about you.

It is very important to give them a virtual tour before they come in.

Getting a professional photo shoot done is absolutely the most important thing you can do for your website. Especially in the restaurant business.

People have this mindset that they have to make this work of art website; that has to be perfect. That has to be so visually stunning it will just blow people away when they find it.

So their downfall is that they don’t put any money into Search Engine Optimization. So people will never ever find this awesome work of art website that they have done. We’ll get into that in a minute.

When it comes to your restaurant website (web presence) your marketing dollar for this shouldn’t cost more than fifteen hundred dollars. That is the going rate. Preferably WordPress (as your platform) because it is a powerful tool with many marketing plug-ins.

If your designer is trying to talk you into a five thousand dollar platform, run! You do not need it. Your marketing dollars need to go into SEO. If you are spending more than the recommended fifteen hundred dollars you are doing it all wrong. It doesn’t need to be all things to all people. It is not necessary. You are making your website into being found.

Statistics show that by 2020 websites will be irrelevant. Because Google is providing so much information without even getting to the website.

When you type in a restaurant there is a knowledge panel. Which is the map, pictures and hours to the right? That piece is getting more and more robust. Most people are going in to get your contact information, or your hours, or a couple of photos or your YELP reviews.

The website is becoming less and less important. But by all means, have a website. The point here is, it doesn’t need to be that “work of art,” people have been misled to believe.


When you have professional photographs that make up the majority of your content, that does tell a story. That gives them the virtual tour of what the place is going to look like. What the vibe is about. What the food is about. You obviously get a great food photo shoot and put all the stuff together. So they are not guessing. By the time they walk in the door, they have a great idea of what the place is. You are able to show it off. The great thing is not that many restaurants are utilizing high-resolution professional photos. So you will automatically look better than your competition.


You need to put in 90% of your budget into being found. So your SEO is absolutely crucial.

SEO is very complicated, to most people, it is such Voodoo they don’t even understand it, and we don’t blame them.

The main approach you need to take with your SEO expert is this.

You have to find a keyword that has a lot of monthly clicks. A lot of traffic, yet not a lot of competition. That’s the sweet spot.

Find a very good blend of the two

For example: Type in: “Restaurants near me.” Gets 11 million searches a month. That’s the most competitive key word out there. So if you are just going for that word, you are going to be up against every single other restaurant out there. Of course, it has to do with if your GPS is on in your phone. Then it is going to pick up the closest ones to you. Then you could get lucky.

Another example: “Restaurants in Cape Coral, FL,” where we are. Then you are up against some even more serious competition.

Try: “Cape Coral, FL patio restaurant.” We found that the word was getting 6K searches per month and there was no competition. So optimize with your expert for organic wording like that. So there’s a hint that may allow you to get to the top on Google in 30-60 days (which is tough). Usually, SEO is a very long-term approach.

Allocate a monthly budget. It is a monthly maintenance. It is not something you do once and forget about it. It goes on and on forever.

The organic search results are called organic for a reason. They are always changing. They are always evolving. You could be number one day, and number ten the next day It is really all over the board. It’s the SEO expert that puts the most attention and constantly working SEO that excels.

BACKLINKS (listing syncs)

Find an expert who offers listing syncs. Backlinks, it is the number of other websites and directories and other platforms (have a link) that point towards you. If you have a link on your Facebook page, Instagram, Trip Advisor, Open Table, and Yelp. List yourself with at least 50 directories at least, and lock into it. Because Google is watching. If you aren’t on top of it then Google thinks: “Well okay, if nobody else cares about this website, why should we.”

Once you have 50 different directories pointing to your website, all of a sudden Google’s algorithm sees it as: “Ohhh this is a very important site, people care about this. We are going to put it at the top of the search results.

One of the things that Google and Facebook have both opened themselves up to lately is users generated content or what they call: “SUGGESTED EDITS.” It is a very terrible idea, but it is what it is. Stay informed!

Have you ever been somewhere (the restaurant’s in particular) and gotten a notification from either of these two? We have and used it. It pops up and asks you: “Hey are you at ABC Restaurant?” If you hit “YES,” it will ask you: “Are these hours correct?” As a customer, you can change the hours of a restaurant you are sitting in. It is completely insane. Then it will ask: “Is this the address?” Honest consumers will hopefully give true information. Because most would think it would go into a pending mode for 90 days and they are going to aggregate it with a bunch of information and make a decision. We got a notification from Google within 45 minutes on one of our client restaurants. It says: “Your changes have been applied.” We looked on Google and sure enough, our changes were applied. Get someone who knows what they are doing to lock consumers from doing this to you.


Statistically, 85% believe online reviews as much as a recommendation from a friend or family member. Online reviews (next to word of mouth) are the most important thing for driving new traffic.

Word of mouth brings new faces to your restaurant. Word of mouth is king. It is 2/3rds of new people walking through your doors. The second one at 22% is online reviews and the third is Google.

Almost all restaurants approached don’t have a pulse on their online reviews or they don’t optimize them and they don’t work them to their advantage.

These reviews are so easy to respond to and to actually have a presence on there. But what we found is very few restaurants do this. It is so important, yet so missed. It truly blew our minds here to discover these online reviews were being neglected.

The reason you should respond to ALL online reviews or hire someone, or delegate someone in your restaurant. No excuses. Recommendation: respond publicly to all reviews, good and bad. Think about it this way, if you are just responding to negative reviews you send a message to the positive: “You are not important enough to get a response unless you are pissed off.”

You want to thank your fans and invite them back in. Put your contact information on every single response to include: Name, email address, and cell number, every single response. You may think your phone will blow up or that your phones going to ring nonstop, thinking you will just get bugged by everyone. It will not. Every single response.

Your contact information is out there. You will probably get one phone call a month. Or better yet, when your establishment isn’t reachable you will find people calling asking to book a table and you get them in touch with the right person in your restaurant. You will be amazed it fields that review from the individual who was just about to give a one-star review because maybe they had a terrible experience you were unaware of.

Devote time to monitor and respond to every review because it is critical. You have the big four review platforms. Google, Facebook, Yelp and Trip Advisor it is time-consuming. There are systems out there (platforms) that will aggregate everything into one platform. Use the tools available, systems that are all in one, coming in a big feed through a dashboard. Worth every penny. You must respond within 72 hours to be effective.


We want to show you how to shift the mindset or paradigm of the average restaurant owner/ operator. You are spending very little money at all if any money at all on things that have the greatest impact on customer traffic and building your brand and using your staff to become brand ambassadors for your business. If you show your customers a good time, you can be sure they will be telling their friends and family: “You have to go to that place.” “The service was amazing.” “The food was amazing.”

But so many people that are in the restaurant business continue to spend tens of thousands of dollars on the traditional radio, print, tv and direct mail stuff. Stop it, you need to remember this is 2018 and work on your internal marketing. Start working on your restaurant’s online reviews, it is free marketing. All it takes is the time and the creativity and putting your best spin forward to give your customers an idea of what’s great about your restaurant. And responding to any negative reviews too.

INFLUENCE STAR FACTORS WITH INTEGRITY (More 5 Stars) Yelp has really strict terms and conditions when it comes to soliciting reviews. You are not allowed to solicit reviews. But you are allowed to ask for a review and not reward someone. You are not allowed to manipulate good or bad.

Here is a big secret we will share with you. ZenReach.com it is a wireless router that goes into the restaurant. Any customer that hooks up to your guest Wi-Fi, it will capture their Facebook or email address for use of your wi-fi. One step for them, easy. It captures that real-time information for you and creates a database of all the emails. These are the most highly valued (customers that have been in your door).

What it does that is awesome it sends smart emails out automatically on certain schedules. So the first time customer after they leave within three hours. (Note: It will say whatever you want it to say). The default sends a generic you will want to change: “Hey thanks for coming into XXX, hope you had a good time.” Terrible message. You can use their reputation management and put: “Thanks for visiting, how did we do, 1 to 5 Star rating. Rate your experience.”

When they choose that 1 to 5-star rating

If it is a 1 to 3-star rating it will email you and pull that email in internally. This gives you time to respond to that customer and make it right before it winds up on Yelp. It is amazingly effective. If they give you a 4 or 5-star rating it will say: “Thank you, please share your message.” Then redirects them to Google, Trip Advisor, Yelp or Trip Advisor.

But it gets better, these smart emails give you the First Time Customer, the Regular Customer (we recommend five),then the Loyal Customer (been more than 10), then a Lost Customer (that’s been there 2 times in the last 30 days, but not again), then it has Birthdays. You can tailor different offers to these people based on their visit frequency.

This is a legitimate way to manipulate those numbers, you are welcome!

Promote Your Business Event

Promote Your Business Event

Whether you are planning a new menu launch, in-store demo, on-site workshop, new wine list, sponsoring a community charitable event, or even  a Grand Opening, we  have some great ways (mostly free) to make sure your event is seen online.

Use your Point of Sale to collect valuable customer data

Make sure you are using your Point of Sale to its fullest abilities to help you collect customer data.  Send out email or text alerts to your customer base with details of your special event or sales.  Don’t have a Point of Sale system that will do this for you?  Contact us.

Make a Facebook Event Page

Facebook has a great events tool which enables you to set up a page for your special event, and to keep an eye on who is attending.  You can create the event page… add the date, time and details about the event, then invite people directly from your Facebook contacts.  Even more fabulous is when someone clicks “attending,” it shows up on their News Feed so that their friends and followers also see YOUR event!

Advertise on Social Media

Let’s say you may do a little bit of print advertising, running an add on one of your social media platforms is a cost effective targeted way to spread the news about your small business event.  Make sure you continually schedule those organic posts to promote this event.  Keep tagging your relevant supports or partners in the comments sections to enlist their help in spreading the word too!


Remember your audience.  Not everyone is on Facebook!  You have to capture your remaining online audience, and the effective way to do that is to reach out to relevant writers and editors for local, trade and national publications.  Need ideas?  Contact us; we’ll guide you in the right direction.  Every day, your local news is giving you ideas of what to do “this weekend,” explain the purpose of the event and outline the “hook,” for them – the reason they and their readers and viewers should be interested.  Offer them a press pass and ask them to write about (or talk about) the event in advance online (in print, to their viewing public).  If there is a standout publication or station you want to target, consider offering them an exclusive interview with perks!

Plan an EMAIL campaign

Engaging content is a must, as is a link back to your page on your website with full details. Make your email short, snappy and attention grabbing, preferably with an amazing graphic.  Simple is better.  Give those who can’t make it an option to stay in touch, like: “Can’t attend this event but want to keep an eye on our other activities?”  Follow us on Facebook.


Guarantee attraction by running a competition to attract interest.  Post the competition on all of your online platforms.  Make sure to include “winner must be present,” language.  Need ideas?  We can help you.

Ask for HELP

Enlist volunteers, local support, customers, ambassadors, family and friends.  Invite them along to your business event, and ask them to help you to spread the word online too!

Have questions?  Call us…we answer the phone!

Six Quick Marketing Tips For Special Occasions

Six Quick Marketing Tips For Special Occasions

Marketing Tips for 2020

Have you started a marketing plan for 2020 yet? Valentine’s Day is already upon us. Why not start with this simple blueprint for success every holiday and special occasion. Each year you will look polished by taking it to the next level. We can help you make all these ideas flow together with one easy-to-use system.

Decorate Your Website, Social Media Sites and Physical Location

Decorate your website, social media, or storefront to draw attention to your business during the holidays and special occasions. It doesn’t take much effort to add a banner, adjust your store window design, or incorporate festive packaging into your sales. Small acts of festivity will make your customers feel they are acting on a time-limited opportunity.

Create a Holiday-Focused Marketing Campaign

Using videos or holiday-themed campaigns can be extremely useful and should not be overlooked during the season. Thanks to modern technology, creating a short video or online poster can be done in no time.

Stock up on Gift Cards and Place Visual Everywhere

Gift card sales in the United States were approximately $160 billion in 2018, and sales continue to increase every year. It’s essential to stock up on gift cards and make them available at your customer’s reach.

Invest in a New Point of Sale System or update your old one

According to the National Retail Federation, Holiday sales during 2019 were expected to increase between 3.8% and 4.2% over 2018. Overall, holiday sales represent approximately 20% of annual sales per year, which means that if you don’t know what your percentages are, its time you invested in a POS System! A Point of Sale System not only tracks your sales, inventory, and employees but also gives you a complete ordering history to make future purchases faster and more intuitive.

Give a Holiday Gift with every order

A great way to inspire customer loyalty is to offer a gift with each purchase. This can be something as small as a coupon, information, product, or even a token of your company. The idea is to make your customers feel included in the celebration.

Offer a Sale

An easy and smart way to encourage company growth is through holiday sales. Days such as Cyber Monday are great opportunities for companies to increase profit through sales. All you need to do is plan what you will put on sale before the holiday is upon us and start doing some Digital Marketing or even some print mailers. Some companies also go the extra mile and offer presales to exclusive club members. Yet another perfect reason to use a POS System to capture valuable customer information. These kinds of loyalty perks inspire potential customers to invest in your company and keep customers coming back for more.

Remember we don’t plan, to fail we fail to plan!

Restaurants Pivoting with Technology

Restaurants Pivoting with Technology

 Chef Adrianne Calvo’s Miami restaurant is thriving during a pandemic and she also opened a new restaurant last summer as well.

See her interview and tips for restaurants of all sizes.


When many restaurants were feeling the pain, and giving up, Adrianne Calvo of Chef Adrianne’s in Miami, morphed her business.  “We were pivoting on a drop of a dime”.   When only takeout was allowed, we only did take out; when seating was only allowed outside, we conformed. They did the best they could to serve their clients by following the guidelines. Given the restrictions in Dade county, a hot spot, they persevered.  The key was following those guidelines, keeping their customers safe, and staying connected through social media.

Her advice is to “stick to it and remember why you opened your restaurant in the first place, it’s not easy and you must act fast”. They shifted their focus and indeed acted fast.  As long as we persevere we will survive, people will always want to socialize and celebrate.

She created 200 new jobs and, in June, opened her new restaurant by defying the odds.  She never thought she would open these restaurants as take-out establishments and now, she is more successful than ever.

What can you learn from Calvo?

  • Stay positive and pivot your business
  • Offer take-out, curbside, or create pre-prepared food for customers to cook at home
  • Stay connected via social media and display your menu online
  • Collect data to offer specials for anniversaries, birthdays, and holidays
  • Make your establishment feel safe and clean
  • Optimize your staff with an efficient POS System

Chef Adrianne reminds us that people will always want to “celebrate birthdays, anniversaries, milestones and just everyday living”. Let’s face it we are social creatures and we will get back to a new normal, whatever that is.

How will you as a restaurant owner pivot?  Will you grow your business or change your business model?  The choice is yours and we are here to help you grow as we navigate these times together, call us or email us.

Restaurant Server Suggestive Selling

Restaurant Server Suggestive Selling

Boost your Restaurant Sales by Up-sell to Existing Customers

Your servers should be suggesting appetizers, desserts, and gift cards. Are they?  A lot of servers simply ask ”Can I start you out with an appetizer?”  This puts the server in a bad position if the customer says no as they can’t really ask again without running the risk of sounding pushy or becoming annoying. When it comes to suggestive selling you want to follow these 3 steps.

3 Simple Steps to Market your Appetizers

  1.  Inform – Tell the customer that you have appetizers when handing out the menu by saying something like “Be sure to check out our appetizer section, they are amazing!”
  2. Testify –  Before taking the order preferably before the customer makes up their mind, you want to testify by saying something like “you should try the Crab stuffed mushrooms with the lobster sauce they are my favorite!” Be descriptive when testifying but keep it short
  3.  The Close – Now is the time to ask for the sale “so can I start you out with an appetizer?”

The idea here is to get the customer to think about the appetizer without forcing them to make a quick decision.

Now that you sold an appetizer to your table, it’s time to think about dessert. Before the meal is brought to the table you want to put the idea of dessert in their minds while they are still hungry. We are going to use the three steps again but with a little twist.

3 Simple Steps to Market your Desserts

  1. Inform – Go back to the table to let them know their food will be ready soon or to see how the Appetizer is say something like “I was in the kitchen and they just pulled the apple pie out of the oven it smells so good”
  2. Testify/Close – When you return to check the table say something like “we have some of the best pastry chefs here, our desserts are delicious. “Can I bring you a piece of pie?” Now if the customer says yes, great!  If they say, no it’s ok, because we will take one last shot before they pay the bill.
  3. 2nd offer – When the customer asks for the check casually ask “So are you sure you don’t want that piece of that pie?  I can put it in a small box so you can take it with you for later.”

Up-selling in a restaurant is like any other type of sales.  If you train your servers properly to use suggestive selling they will market more appetizers, desserts, and gift cards. This leads to larger checks, higher tips for servers, and retention of those servers along with more revenue for your restaurant.  You don’t have to follow this pitch word for word, make it your own and work it into the conversation naturally. Also, people are more inclined to buy from people they like so remind your servers to be polite, friendly, and smile, smile, smile!

More solutions for restaurants.