We Safeguard Your Livelihood – Are Your Device(s) Compliant?

We are here to educate you and help you identify any vulnerabilities when it comes to credit card breaches.  We want you to understand the risks and consequences of a breach.  So if you would like to review risk points of the payment card transaction processing flow call us: 866-207-3298.

Do you need guidance on device compliance?    We can make sure your using an Approved PTS (PIN Transaction Security) Device

Cardholder data is the asset you need to safeguard not your inventory.

These attacks on small merchants have a concrete objective.  More than half of all data breaches investigated by Verizon Business and the U.S. Secret Service involved payment card data.  More telling was the fallout, as 83% percent of stolen records was from payment card data.  This percentage dwarfs all other breaches, so clearly your cardholder data is the main target for thieves.

Breaches can hit merchants of ANY size – payment card data theft has hit organizations of all sizes.  The biggest known breach to date was the theft and sale of more than 40 million credit and debit card numbers from nine major U.S. retailers, including TJX Companies, Inc., BJ’s Wholesale Club Inc., OfficeMax Inc., Barnes and Noble Inc., and Sport Authority.  The criminals were an international credit fraud ring, prosecutions and convictions are now underway.

Our specialty is small, ‘mom and pop’ store(s), restaurants, retail, and YOU!  Cardholder data theft can happen to any merchant, but we are here to protect you.  Let every consumer, patron, visitor, family and friend who walks through your door know you take their privacy seriously.  No one is immune.

CSI, Inc. will easily walk you through accepting payments as a merchant, doing what you do best!  It is a complex system of devices, software, networks, service providers and CSI, Inc., will help you process the payment and get the money.  Each element of the payment card technology system poses risks that could be exploited by criminals.  So it’s vital to use appropriate security controls and business procedures to minimize the risk and protect your cardholder’s data.

Generate More Revenue and Traffic with an ATM

Generate More Revenue and Traffic with an ATM

ATMs still Represent Easy Money for your Business, Restaurant or Store

With the rise of online shopping, brick-and-mortar businesses today need to do everything they can to stay competitive. Sometimes that means using a traditional, tried-and-true method of boosting traffic and earning some passive income.

We’re talking about the ATM machine.

Your store, restaurant or business just might need one.


Not everyone likes to swipe or dip the chip at a business. Credit and Debit card security concerns are causing some people to stick to the safety of cash. One-third of U.S. consumers (34 percent) say they are making more purchases in store with cash because of data breaches, according to ATM Marketplace.

Avoid card processing fees: Customers who use your ATM and then pay cash in your business save you in credit card processing fees.

Where’s my bank? In a tourist market, in particular, a customer’s regular bank may not be available or may be prohibitively far from his or her local destination. Your customer may want to withdraw money from or check his balance from an ATM before making a card transaction with you or another business.

“Now that I’m here”: Average 7-Eleven ATMs perform about 3,000 transactions per month, according to National Cash, an industry provider. That could be 3,000 times a customer visits your business just to use the ATM, and while there, they notice what else your business offers.

It’s a tax write-off: The ATM is a tangible personal property item which can be expensed. Your tax advisor can tell you about how the cost of an ATM machine can be depreciated or expensed beginning in the tax year that it is placed.

Earn income on surcharges: Talk about passive income! It’s the easiest way to make money on your money.

Operating an ATM is easy and a great way to drive more revenue and foot traffic into your establishment this year!  Call or email us today to learn more.

4 Reasons to Switch to an EBPP System

Three Reasons to Switch to A B2B Electronic Billing and Payment System

Running a small business is never easy. There is a lot to remember when running your company, as handling B2B transactions can be complex. Luckily, a B2B electronic payment system can be the ideal solution.

What is A B2B Payment System?

B2B payment systems make it simpler for small businesses to create, process, and receive payments. They can take several forms, including accounting software and POS readers. Startling statistics show that approximately 50 percent of small businesses close down within five years of opening. Many of these closures are due to poor cash flow. This makes it clear that choosing a B2B electronic payment system is vital for faster payment receipt.

How Can A B2B Electronic Payment System Get Your Business Paid Faster?

A good cash flow can make a massive difference for any small business. No cash flow means you won’t be able to pay your employees, and suppliers may stop accepting your orders. A long payment cycle is the death knell for small businesses since it reduces cash flow exponentially. Worryingly, it can take the average customer as long as two months after invoicing to make a payment. During that time, a small business can quickly run out of money and have to shut down.

digital B2B payment solution can reduce that long payment cycle by at least half. A B2B electronic payment system allows customers to pay more rapidly and conveniently, resulting in shorter payment times. Not only does this boost cash flow to ensure a small business’s survival, but it also helps to support company growth. Faster payments mean more opportunities to invest in the business’s current needs.

An Improvement To The Process Of Receiving Payment

B2B payment solutions, such as those offered by Card Systems, allow small businesses to save time and effort. There is no more messing around with manual payments and checks. There will be no more need to mail invoices or wait for customers to reply. There’ll be no need to take a pile of paper checks into a bank and wait for them to clear.

Customers are more likely to make payments when a company implements an electronic payment system. There will be no need to write a check and mail it manually. Receiving those invoices couldn’t be easier with a fast-online payment solution or recurring payment options. Automating the process frees up business owners’ time to focus on other elements of their companies—like growing their business!

Additional Security Thanks To An Electronic B2B Payment Solution

While ease and speed of receiving a payment are vital, security is more important. Card Systems offers extremely safe online payment solutions for business owners’ peace of mind. With full PCI, HIPAA, and SSAE-16 compliance built-in, there is no cause for concern about sensitive data/

This is good news for business owners. Mail theft is still rising, especially in major cities. Paper checks are, therefore, a risky option. An electronic payment solution eliminates this worry.

Switching to a digital B2B payment solution is the best option for most small businesses. Card Systems’ solutions can make a huge difference by offering a fast, secure, and streamlined way to receive payments. The result is more significant revenue, better business focus, and a worry-free way of receiving payments. Thanks to better cash flow, small businesses can stay afloat, thrive, and prosper.

Efficient and Cost Saving EBPP

Electronic Invoicing and Presentment and Payments (EBPP)  helps to reduce your costs and gets you paid faster! What is EBPP?  Simply put you convert the painful process of paper invoicing to electronic billing and you can save thousands in labor and .   is eliminated completely and the collection process is automated as well.   Your carbon footprint in eliminated by ridding yourself of the the need for paper, ink, envelopes, postage, and labor to complete the process. Over hours are wasted manually billing. 

With a traditional billing cycle, what each customer owes is entered into your accounting system, an invoice is created and printed, then add that to the labor and cost to put the invoice in an envelope, add postage and mail, then wait for payment.  When payment is received it is posted to the customer’s account, deposits are created and taken to the bank.  These steps are time-consuming.  Now multiply this by hundreds or thousands of invoices produced per year.  The costs can be staggering

While invoicing by email reduces your supply needs, there is little savings in labor costs.

There is a solution to this madness……..EBPP

Electronic invoicing, coupled with payments acceptance is a must for every business.  The secret sauce comes with th with with the brings your business up to speed.


Schedule your invoicing.

Set up your software to invoice on the day and time you choose. Set recurring billing or a payment plan

Invoice directly, anytime, from anywhere

No need to be in the office to do it or hire someone to do it for you.


View payment status easily

See on one screen which invoices have been paid, which are due and which are past due.


Set up reminders or special notes

Add notes or reminders for each client


Run aging reports

See which clients pay quickly and which don’t, and consider adjusting payment terms.


Analyze audit trails

Cloud accounting and invoicing software keeps track of every transaction.

And there are more advantages!


Same day delivery of invoices

Instant delivery means faster payments

No waiting for checks in the mail

Online payment means you can get paid now.


Better security

E-invoicing software usncryption like financial institutions do. It conveys a sense of trust to your clients.

es e

Save time, Save Money,  Increase Cash Flow and Reduce Your Carbon Footprint!

The efficiency of Electronic Invoicing and Payments 

You know how the traditional business model calls for invoicing.

Here comes the end of the billing period. Someone has to make sure there’s paper, ink, envelopes, and postage.

What each customer owes is entered on an invoice and printed. Then the labor….someone puts the invoice in an envelope, adds postage and sends the envelope to be posted. Then the wait for payment begins….the long wait.

It’s enough to make you need a nap. And you may as well take one while you’re hoping your invoice doesn’t get lost in the mail and you’re waiting to get paid.

Invoicing by email doesn’t make it much easier. There are still addresses to keep track of and billing information to enter, templates to create and use and perhaps alter then hope your bookkeeper check the accounts receivable often.

But there’s a solution! Online, or e-invoicing, brings your business up to speed. Find out at cardsystems.com

Here are the ways it can help your business. You can:

Schedule your invoicing. Set up your software to send invoices on the day and time you choose and sit back and watch it happen.

Invoice directly. No need to wait for someone else in the company to send the invoices, reducing staffing hours.

Invoice anytime, from anywhere. No need to be in the office to do it!

View payment status easily. See on one screen which invoices have been paid, which are due and which are past due.

Set up your own reminders. Add notes or reminders for each client using the software.

Run aging reports. See which clients pay quickly and which don’t, and consider adjusting payment terms.

Analyze audit trails. Cloud accounting and invoicing software keeps track of every transaction.

And there are more advantages!

Instant delivery of invoices.

No waiting for checks in the mail. Online payment means you can get paid now.

Better security. Electronic invoicing systems uses encryption just like Financial Institutions do. It conveys a sense of trust to your clients.

Think of the paper you’ll save! E-invoicing is less expensive and more environmentally sound.


NFC POS Systems

NFC POS Systems

NFC (near field communication) is the technology that allows transactions to be completed through two devices, as opposed to the swipe or chip method. NFC can be extremely beneficial to a merchant and offers many advantages to customers. NFC is secure, versatile, and cleaner way to process transactions through your POS System.

Safer Transactions

Many companies like Whole Foods or Apple have already integrated NFC methods into their terminal with NFC capability. NFC is a safer, more secure way to transfer data when purchasing from a store. Although you may feel wary to connect your card data to your smartphone, it’s safer than holding credit or debit cards in a wallet. Most smartphones require a password to access information, therefore blocking someone’s chance at stealing your information. NFC often creates secure networks for data transfer which make it difficult for hackers to enter the stream.


The versatility of NFC is possibly the most valuable aspect. Many tasks can be carried out with just a single NFC device. Customers can purchase a product, view their reward points, and much more from their smartphone. 95% of Americans own a cellphone, which means 95% of Americans are eligible to use an NFC device. With an NFC, there will be no more worrying about losing your wallet.

A Sanitary Alternative

Perhaps the dirtiest thing in your purse or wallet is your credit card. Coming down with a cold is an extreme nuisance for work and everyday life. An average credit or debit card holds 285 germs. While your cards are continuously being touched daily, your smartphone stays with you. Replacing your unclean credit cards and wallet with your smartphone can improve your health and clear your pockets of bacteria.

Time Conservative

Using an NFC with your POS System will additionally increase the efficiency of your business. You will be cutting your time in half with scanning your phone instead of taking the time to swipe or dip your credit or debit card. This will reduce waiting for lines and encourage customers to visit.

Overall, allowing your POS System to use NFC technology will benefit your company by moving customers faster. These small, efficient devices can completely transform your workplace for the better.

Do you have Disruption Insurance?

You May Have Coverage for COVID-19

Check your business policy for business disruption insurance. President today in his afternoon briefing urged everyone to review your policy to see if you have coverage.