by Chandra | May 24, 2019 | Data Security Credit Card, MasterCard, News Alerts, Security
New Credit Card Skimmers found inside card readers at gas pumps at many 7-11 stores
Look for the red tag on the pumps or go into the store to pay. Some 7-11 stores have installed temporary locks on pumps until permanent locks arrive.
Fraud Facts
Florida is the country’s number one for fraud crimes, mainly because skimmers target dozens of people at the pumps every day.
This year alone, 561 skimmers have been found at gas stations in the State. Due to this growing number of skimmers, State Leaders prioritize fraud prevention.
The Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services is pushing gas stations in Florida to install encryption readers by November of 2020. The encryption readers will scramble your card information so that your number can’t be grabbed by another device to steal your information.
The Lee County Board of Commissioners passed the Fuel Pump Security Ordinance on Tuesday. Charlotte County, The Cities of Cape Coral, and Punta Gorda already have ordinances to protect you at the pump.
Five Tips to Fight Fraud
Here are five tips for consumers to avoid credit card fraud by gas pump skimmers, listed by the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services:
- Avoid using open or unlocked pumps that have had the tamper-evident security tape cut or removed or otherwise appear unusual.
- Use a credit card – not a debit card: If a credit card number is skimmed, you’re protected by the card issuer’s zero-liability policy – but a stolen debit card number could be far more damaging.
- Pay inside, with cash or credit, instead of at the pump
- Choose gas pumps closest to a physical building: Don’t use gas pumps out of the attendant’s line of sight, such as those around a corner or behind a building.
- Check your card statements and sign up for fraud alerts.
NBC-2 Related News Story
by Peter | Apr 27, 2017 | MasterCard, News, News Alerts
MasterCard’s New 2-Series Card Deadline
The new 2-Series BIN (bank identification number) is going to be circulating shortly. When the new cards are released the old card beginning with the 5-digit will be joined by cards beginning with the 2-digit. Be sure to start educating anyone handling payments that these cards beginning with “2” are in fact valid MasterCard account numbers.
MasterCard Sees A Rise In Pre-Paid Accounts
MasterCard sees a rise in prepaid cards, which is why they need more capacity for account numbers. They have sent out “mystery shoppers” to see how many merchants will be ready to accept these new cards. The current assumption is that it is way early to draw any conclusions. Visa, Amex, and Discover are facing similar challenges, but they are handling them differently.
The writing is on the wall that it is important to keep payment terminals and software updated as the major brands continue an explosive growth cycle. Many terminals like VeriFone’s VX510 may technically be capable of handling an update, but acquirers are no longer providing software updates, making them “end of life”. As a result, your terminal may not work with these new cards.
Will A Software Update Be Enough?
Your acquirer will bear most of the burden. However, you might need to upgrade your terminal or software or face the possibility of losing sales. Hopefully, your business has updated its equipment to handle EMV transactions already. This particular update does not ensure that the new cards will work with your terminal or point of sale system. The scope of this and other pending changes are challenging to the entire industry as the effects on business owners and their processing equipment remain unknown.
With all the changes taking place in the payment space, terminals typically have a lifespan of five to seven years. This lifecycle is significantly less than previous generations which, in some cases, would last up to ten years. Looking forward, as technology continues to evolve, so will your payment types. No more are the “basic terminals” sufficient, and methods of accepting those new forms of payments will evolve.
Hopefully, all your system needs is a simple software update to accept these new cards. This is just another reason to have a good working relationship with your processor. Processors are great resources to keep you on top of the ever-changing payment industry.
If you would like more information about processing payments or would like a FREE in-depth comparison, please contact us by calling 1.866.207.3298.
by Peter | Nov 22, 2016 | Income Generators, Marketing, MasterCard
Income Generators for Businesses
Whether it is improving your e-mail marketing techniques, collecting analytics, offering gift and loyalty cards, or generating income with an on-site ATM, we have solutions to help your business grow.

Generate more sales and turn your business into a destination.
Increase sales:
Make funds accessible to potential buyers.
Increase customer traffic:
Customers who need cash will look for an ATM sign and come into your business, generating additional foot traffic, leading to impulse sales.
Generate revenue:
Earn income on each and every transaction through a “surcharge” fee.
Retain customers and create repeat sales:
The convenience of an ATM for your customers will ensure they don’t have to leave to find cash and they stop in more frequently.
Reduce credit card fees:
Installing an ATM increases cash sales, saving you on processing fees. Most merchants reduce their monthly fees by an average of 30%.

See an immediate improvement in your email marketing with our secure payment tools.
• Use your existing email marketing system
• Keep your current website
• Empower mobile customers with 2Clicks
• Set up in less than an hour
“It has been a great donation vehicle and implementation has been easy. We’ve received a large number of repeat donations (close to 50%) and many supporters donated numerous times. With the ease of 2Clicks for donations, our supporters donate more frequently, which results in greater revenue over time.”
T. Fleming – Albuquerque Rescue Mission
Let us show you new ways to increase sales by capturing customers email and text numbers at the point of sale. Who better to market to than your existing customers?
Why move into the digital age with our 2Click Invoicing?
- Customers pay faster
- Easy to manage
- Enter the mobile space to collect by texting invoices
- Automate your QuickBooks
Gift Cards will once again be the #1 seller and the hottest product this year.
Consumers do not have time to shop, they now order from their mobile devices.
Are you capturing this market?
- Gift cards outsell paper certificates 10 to 1
- Builds brand awareness
- 51% of customers spend more than the card’s initial value
- Customers are less price sensitive
- Boosts customer shopping frequency
- Use the same card for both Gift and Loyalty programs
Do you want to market to your customers via their cell phone? We have options to help you roll out a text message marketing campaign so that you can be with your customers wherever they go. Go Mobile!
Go Green, and Go Virtual and sell up to 50% more with gift cards, and save on the plastic.
Instantly deliver a gift card virtually through your website. Virtual cards can be printed or viewed directly from a mobile device making it easy for customers to buy gift cards and use them.
Let us help today with a FREE setup on FaceBook and your website.
Sell Gift Cards:
- online from your website
- on Facebook
- through e-mail
Send Gift Cards:
- by email
- by text message
- by mail
Easy to Order
- Fee-free until the card is sold
- Free personalization
- Design online
- No shopping cart needed
- Physical cards also available
Fill out the Form to Get
Free Virtual Gift Cards Today
Selling gift cards using the technology available will catapult your business today!
by Peter | Oct 13, 2016 | Bank gift cards, Featured, Gift Cards, Marketing, MasterCard, News
The TRUTH About Gift Cards
If you have ever thought about getting gift cards for your business, there has never been a better time now! The Holidays are just around the corner and will be here before you know it. The deadline for ordering those gift cards is NOW if you want to reap the rewards this season. Fortunately, you have another option. You can deploy gift cards “virtually” through your website, in a requested email link or on your social media site today. Here’s another great way to market to your last minute customers.
The reason I say there has never been a better time is that, of all the changes that have taken place in the gift card arena. Not only has the cost come down considerably on plastic cards but there is a whole new approach to accepting gift cards in your business. Online sales which will become break sales records again this season. There are so many wonderful things gift cards can do to build your business.
The advantages:
- Statistics show that people spend approximately 61% more when using a gift card (Consider your own spending patterns when using a gift card)
- Gift cards are the #1 gift given during the Holidays
- Gift cards build brand awareness
- Gift cards increase cash flow by collecting money upfront for future delivery.
- Gift cards reduce fraud experienced with paper gift certificates
- Gift cards can create a great marketing strategy to get someone in your store that normally wouldn’t shop there
- Gift cards can design a loyalty program for your business, getting your customers to come back time and time again for those perks you offer (Investing in your existing customers is much more cost effective than reaching out for new ones)
- Sell and send gift cards from your store, mail, text, your website, email or even your Facebook page. It’s never been easier
Now the disadvantages:
Don’t let this opportunity to increase your sales this Holiday Season pass you by. Invest in your business’s future today!