New Credit Card Skimmers found inside card readers at gas pumps at many 7-11 stores
Look for the red tag on the pumps or go into the store to pay. Some 7-11 stores have installed temporary locks on pumps until permanent locks arrive.
Fraud Facts
Florida is the country’s number one for fraud crimes, mainly because skimmers target dozens of people at the pumps every day.
This year alone, 561 skimmers have been found at gas stations in the State. Due to this growing number of skimmers, State Leaders prioritize fraud prevention.
The Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services is pushing gas stations in Florida to install encryption readers by November of 2020. The encryption readers will scramble your card information so that your number can’t be grabbed by another device to steal your information.
The Lee County Board of Commissioners passed the Fuel Pump Security Ordinance on Tuesday. Charlotte County, The Cities of Cape Coral, and Punta Gorda already have ordinances to protect you at the pump.
Five Tips to Fight Fraud
Here are five tips for consumers to avoid credit card fraud by gas pump skimmers, listed by the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services:
- Avoid using open or unlocked pumps that have had the tamper-evident security tape cut or removed or otherwise appear unusual.
- Use a credit card – not a debit card: If a credit card number is skimmed, you’re protected by the card issuer’s zero-liability policy – but a stolen debit card number could be far more damaging.
- Pay inside, with cash or credit, instead of at the pump
- Choose gas pumps closest to a physical building: Don’t use gas pumps out of the attendant’s line of sight, such as those around a corner or behind a building.
- Check your card statements and sign up for fraud alerts.
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