Generate more sales and turn your business into a destination. Increase sales: Make funds accessible to potential buyers. Increase customer traffic: Customers who need cash will look for an ATM sign and come into your business, generating additional foot traffic, leading to impulse sales. Generate revenue: Earn income on each and every transaction through a…
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2 Click Invoicing & E-Mail Marketing
See an immediate improvement in your email marketing with our secure payment tools. • Use your existing email marketing system • Keep your current website • Empower mobile customers with 2Clicks • Set up in less than an hour “It has been a great donation vehicle and implementation has been easy. We’ve received a large number of repeat donations (close to 50%) and…
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Do You Know…. Where are your customers coming from? How often are they returning? How much are they spending? Are you collecting e-mail addresses for future marketing? Let us help you transform your sales data into valuable information about your customers, sales and similar businesses Provides recommendations tailored to your business Helps you better…
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Gift Cards
Gift Cards will once again be the #1 seller and the hottest product this year. Consumers do not have time to shop, they now order from their mobile devices. Are you capturing this market? Gift cards outsell paper certificates 10 to 1 Builds brand awareness 51% of customers spend more than the card’s initial value Customers are less price sensitive Boosts customer…
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Loyalty and Rewards Programs
Attract and retain your customers! Loyalty cards help you retain your most valuable asset… your customers! Rewards help increase shopping frequency Increases store traffic and sales Customer carries your brand in their wallet Collect customer data to build marketing campaigns Use the same card for both Gift and Loyalty programs Combine with a click-to-pay program…
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Recurring Billing
Streamline card-not-present sales though payment acceptance and automate the process. Our Recurring Billing platforms allow you to setup a solution that is scalable and customizable to match your collection needs. Store payment information and schedule payments through a secure systems and reduce your PCI risk. Do you need more options for your customers?…
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