Don’t be the next victim
Here we are at the end of December and all we have been talking about since August is EMV (European Master Card and Visa). The news has been chocked full of situations where credit cards are still being skimmed and fraudulently used. Here is an NBC2 News Report where a local Cape Coral woman watched her email and text alerts as her Pay Pal Debit card was racking up transactions at a Toys R Us, Best Buy and local merchants. There wasn’t a thing she could do about it. Crooks aren’t stupid. They pounce and prey when they know the time is right. In this case it was Christmas, so she was unable to stop these fraudulent charges. It’s a shame this woman had to spend her Christmas worrying about these transactions. Fortunately she heard back from Pay Pal and will not be responsible for these charges.
Who will be responsible? The merchants in Lee County without a chip reader will bear the loss here. What a perfect time to upgrade and protect your business and clients. Also, help your year-end tax bill with your Section 179 expenditure.
This white collar crime is on the rise and it’s more profitable and less risky than dealing drugs. We encourage not only our customers but all merchants to process their transactions securely on an EMV terminal. Don’t let your business or your customers suffer. It’s no way to bring in the New Year.
Call us today at (239) 549-5055.