Critical Credit Card Terminal Updates
Is your Credit Card Terminal causing you to lose valuable transactions? It may be time to update the programming in your terminal or even time to look for a new solution.
Ingenico Credit Card Terminals
The clock is ticking on the Ingenico ICT220 and ICT250 terminals. We recommend that ALL Ingenico devices be updated to the new Trust certificates. Certificates begin to expire in May 2019 on Models V2 and older.
If the Trust certificate expires before it has been updated, your equipment will need to be replaced. The download of the new file extends the Trust Certificate’s expiration date to the year 2029.
The certificates in these terminals are nearing expiration, and it is only a matter of time before you will experience issues or lose processing capabilities altogether. It is imperative you update these terminals now.
Pax Credit Card Terminals
Your terminal may need an update to accept debit cards. The new EMV chip and PCI Compliance regulations allow the card issuing Banks to determine whether a PIN number is required. The merchant and/or cardholder will no longer be able to choose how the transaction is processed. Entering a PIN is always the most secure method for processing credit card transactions, and is the best way to verify the transaction is not fraudulent.
Credit Card Terminal Updates or a new POS System will Save Down Time and Money!
Downtime and outdated equipment can cost your business dearly. Make sure you update your credit card processing terminals when needed. If your Merchant Processor hasn’t reached out to you to update this certification, call us, and we will be happy to help.
It may even be time to think about replacing your current terminal to a smart terminal to collect data or even a POS (Point of Sale System). A POS System can track your inventory, keep time and attendance for your employees, and also track customers and their spending habits. The newer POS systems can calculate and pay sales tax and ping you…yes ping you, when someone is opening a cash drawer without a sale occurring. Imagine the possibilities, increased profits and the time you will gain with these new simple to use systems. Isn’t it time you consider what a new POS system can do for your company?