FD Series Terminals (50-55-100-200) ti & not ti Press 0 or touch the tools icon. Press 3 or touch date/time. Key in new date in MMDDYYYY format – for example March 4th, 2016 would be 03042016. Press Enter. Key in new time in military time hours, minutes, second – for example one twenty four in the afternoon would be 132400. Press Enter.
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1. Log in to the CloverGo app on your mobile device. (This process can not be done through the Clover online dashboard.) 2. Click on the 3 bars in the upper left corner. 3. Click on “Transaction History.“ 4. Select which transaction you wish to refund. 5. Click on “Issue Refund” box in the lower left of the screen. 6. Click on refund amount at the bottom of the…
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In today’s world of consumer shopping, when visiting your favorite stores to make your purchases, you often come across a scenario that we all know too well. The dreaded long lines at the register! Most merchants are still utilizing dial up and when the consumer is on the fast-pace trying to get all those errands done, they either leave the store or stand there…
[otw_shortcode_button href=”/analog-vs-ip/” size=”medium” bgcolor=”#1eaaf1″ icon_position=”left” shape=”square”]Read More[/otw_shortcode_button]