• 40 million credit and debit card numbers stolen from Target between Black Friday and Christmas
  • 70 million names, addresses, e-mail addresses and phone numbers of Target shoppers stolen
  • 46% – the amount Target’s profits dropped in the fourth quarter of 2013 compared to the previous year
  • $200 million – estimated cost to credit unions and community banks to reissue 21.8 million cards
  • $100 million – cost Target says it will spend upgrading their terminals
  • 0 – number of cards that Chip and PIN enabled terminals would have been able to prevent the breach (without end-to-end encryption of card data, card numbers and expiration dates can still be stolen and used in online transactions)
  • 0 – the number of Chief Information Security Officer or Chief Security Officer jobs at Target
  • $18 – $35.70 – median price range of cards stolen from Target and sold on the black market
  • 1-3 million – estimated number of cards stolen from Target sold on the black market and used for fraud before issuing banks canceled
  • $53.7 million – estimated income that hackers generated from the sale of the 2 million cards stolen from Target
  • $55 million – estimated amount outgoing CEO of Target will earn in compensation and other benefits on his departure from the company