The following story about our restaurant point of sale system with simple EMV integration comes to us as a courtesy of Card Systems and Skurla’s POS Solutions in Anchorage, Alaska. If you’d like to take a test drive and see this system in action, please contact Card Systems @ 866.207.3298 or email us to set up your demo today!
Implementing EMV is Simple with a Restaurant Point of Sale
If you are in the restaurant industry, you may have heard the war stories about implementing EMV in the U.S. As you go through your mental list of places you shop and dine – how many actually have the new CHIP readers integrated into their point of sale system? And of those that do – how many actually work? Lots of places have them, but the CHIP reader is still not available for use in a majority of major restaurant point of sale systems.
In the Point of Sale world, mass confusion abounds. In my experience as the CEO of Skurla’s POS Solutions, many of the major Point of Sale providers STILL don’t have an EMV solution that works. Or maybe they have a solution that works for some kinds of payment types, but not others.
For a while, it seemed that we were uninstalling and reinstalling more EMV solutions than we had successfully installed. Hundreds of man hours were wasted trying to get solutions working – and some still don’t work! Our customers were frustrated, and we were pulling our hair out.
Enter the New Tablet Restaurant Point of Sale Solutions
That was until we rolled out our EMV solution. Don’t get me wrong, when we went to install our first EMV readers at a customer site – I assumed that just like all of the other systems we had worked with, we would run into major problems – and that hours (if not weeks) would be spent back and forth with the team and our installers. I expected that we would have to uninstall and reinstall the software several times.
On the day of the installation, I waited in my office for a phone call from either our installer or the owner – telling me that the system was not working as it should. The restaurant opened at 11:00 am. At 11:30 a.m., I hadn’t heard anything. I assumed the worst. Finally, at 12:30 p.m., I couldn’t stand it anymore, and I called our installer to ask for an update.
When I called him, he told me he was already back in the office.
I expected to hear they had halted the install and decided to do it later. But instead, he told me it was the easiest EMV installation he had ever done.
The MobileBytes EMV solution worked right out of the box! The customer was actually using the system with the CHIP reader enabled. And it was fast – transactions actually ran just as fast as before!
All for a fraction of the cost of many other systems.
We’ve since installed EMV in many restaurants, and the installation is always quick and painless. Just another reason to love our Tablet POS.
Big thanks to Skurla’s for sharing this great story of how easy it is to integrate an EMV solution for the foodservice industry.
Don’t forget to schedule your FREE demo to see how our New POS System can make your business more efficient while securing your customer’s sensitive data.
Call today 1.866.207.3298 or Message us to make an appointment today