Recently it was announced that email recipients were experiencing a new phishing scam that appeared to be a Delta Airlines ticket receipt. These emails may look very similar to an actual Delta email with a few slight differences. The picture below points out some things to look for before clicking any questionable links in an email.
This new round of emails appears to be hitting a large concentration of business email addresses over personal ones. Of course, we are all guilty of hastily clicking links when we believe something has been charged to our credit cards in error or unexpectedly. Instinct kicks in and we click in the hopes of finding the answer. The best thing to do in this case is to carefully review the email content for any identifier that it could possibly be fraudulent. We’ve noted some things to look for using red text in the image above. It’s also worthwhile to note that airlines will always include departures/arrivals in the ticket detail of any type of electronic communication While there are many different versions of this particular phishing email above is just one example.
The link embedded in the email would open up a malicious Microsoft Word document that will activate and infect your PC. It will then begin connecting to other malicious servers to download and distribute further malware. These types of malware can collect, store, and send your financial information, login credentials, and other locally stored pieces of personal data.
Be sure to alert and educate your employees about these types of phishing attacks and how they could possibly affect your business and its sensitive data.When in doubt always reach out to the sender through a verified method of communication.
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