Business Security

employee security

Employment screening not only helps businesses of all sizes save time and money during their hiring and recruitment process, it could save your business from breaches, fraud, embezzlement and even workplace violence.

  • Employment Backgrounds
  • Tenant Screening
  • Professional Verifications
  • Caregiver Screenings

Does your cashier, bookkeeper or sales rep have a criminal record?

Is your company vehicle being driven by someone convicted of DUI?

Does your job applicant have a history of drug or alcohol abuse?


Did you know?

  • 30% of the US adult population has a criminal record? (DOJ)
  • 50% of all resumes have misrepresentations (exaggerated dates of employment, falsifying degrees and credentials), inflated titles/positions held and hiding criminal records?
  • 8.0% to 10.2% of full/part time employees abuse illegal drugs? (DOJ)

Do you really know who is watching your children?

Do you know the caregiver working with your parents?

Do you know your business partner?

Do you know who your children are spending time with?

Do you know who you are dating?


Don’t take their word for it.
Employee Screening by