was more than glamorous and beautiful women attending this event. All are
accomplished women who gave their time, knowledge and experience to make a
difference in our community.
It was especially exciting for us as our own, Barbara Dell, was the
recipient of this year’s prestigious award. Barbara has helped over 3200
women in Southwest Florida. Women who have fallen onto hard times, have
been victims of domestic violence or single mothers. Many struggling at the
poverty level just trying to make ends meet. Dress For Success offers not just clothing,
but programs to help them with their job interviews, learning new skills to
help them re-enter the workforce stronger and more confident than ever.
Recently, , I met someone who achieved the position of a manager at a local
Dillard’s only to learn that she attributed her success to Dress For Success. She repeated
how she could not have done it without the help, guidance and encouragement
given to her by Barbara and Dress For Success.
There is only one Barbara Dell! But what Barbara has built will affect
hundreds if not thousands more women as the SWFL chapter of Dress For Success continues to grow and touch every segment of our community.